Achim Könneke

since 2003 Head of the Freiburg City Cultural Office, board member of several regional, supra-regional and national art foundations and cultural organisations
2001 - 2003 Deputy Head of the Stuttgart City Cultural Office
1992 - 2001 Head of the Visual and Applied Arts Department and the "Hamburg Public Art Program" at the Cultural Authority, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, curated and organised numerous exhibitions and public art projects with both regional and international artists
1991 - 1992 Head of the Visual Arts Department and the municipal art school, Langenhagen
1990 - 1991 Visual Arts Editor, magazine "PRINZ", Bremen
1986 - 1992 independent journalist and art critic, cultural reporter for the radio, artistic and curatorial practice


1990 holds a degree in art education, German philology, philosophy (State Examination)
1983 - 1990 studied fine arts / art education, history of art, German philology and philosophy at University of Oldenburg and University of Fine Arts Braunschweig
1982 / 1983 studied history of art and journalism at the Free University Berlin

Lectureships / University Service

2009 - 2010 Freiburg University of Education: cultural policy, cultural management and cultural education
2000 - 2001 University of Hamburg: public art


Lectures on public art, cultural development and planning, concepts of intercultural art work and cultural education


Essays and books mainly focusing on public art, individual artists and cultural development planning The following list contains the books, authorship and editorship: kunstkonzept.freiburg, Kulturentwicklungsplanung als Beteiligungsprozess (Ed.), Freiburg 2009

AUSSENDIENST, Kunstprojekte in öffentlichen Räumen Hamburgs, edited by Achim Könneke and Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Freiburg 2002

AUSSENDIENST, Kunstprojekte in öffentlichen Räumen Hamburgs, Phase 1, Ed. von der Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und dem Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg 2000

Bogomir Ecker, Die Tropfsteinmaschine in der Galerie der Gegenwart 1996 – 2496, edited by Kunsthalle Hamburg und der Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Ostfildern 1999

Gloria Friedmann, Hier + Jetzt, Den Opfern nationalsozialistischer Justiz in Hamburg, (Ed.), Hamburg 1998

Die Kunst des Öffentlichen. Projekte / Ideen / Stadtplanungsprozesse im politischen / sozialen / öffentlichen Raum, edited by Marius Babias and Achim Könneke, Dresden 1998

Christian Philipp Müller, Kunst auf Schritt und Tritt, (Ed.), Hamburg 1997

Thomas Schütte, Haus des Gedenkens, KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, (Ed.), Hamburg 1996

Stephan Huber / Raimund Kummer, Hauptbahnhof-Nord, (Ed.), Ostfildern 1994

Clegg and Guttmann. Die offene Bibliothek, (Ed.). Ostfildern 1994

Jochen Gerz and Esther Shalev - Gerz, Das Harburger Mahnmal gegen Faschismus, (Ed.), Ostfildern 1994

Vor ort - Kunst in städtischen Situationen I, Angelika Schirmer, Mischa Kuball, Ottmar Hörl (Ed.), Hannover 1992

Franz Erhard Walther, Der Oldenburger Block, Hamburg 1992